To stay up to date with admissions information and receive information regarding Damien High School's outreach events and important dates or deadlines including Shadow Days, our application filing period, the High School Placement Test (HSPT) and HSPT Workshop, financial aid, and more, please complete the form below. Thank you for your interest in Damien High School.
Of course you want the best for your child, but the cost of an independent school education can seem daunting. You are not alone. For many families, affordability is a huge concern as they begin the admission process. But, if you believe our school is the right fit for your child, we can help you make this opportunity a reality and a financial possibility for your family.
Damien High School has a strong tradition of educating students to be men of service, scholarship, and faith. Damien also has a tradition of providing an affordable, high-quality education. Each year, through acts of kindness, Damien is able to subsidize the cost of a Catholic education to keep tuition and fees down.
Each year, Damien High School determines tuition based on the annual cost of educating a child and takes into consideration the normal increase in operating expenses.
If you have not yet applied, please CLICK HERE to submit your payment for this Workshop.